Kings and Chronicles - Living Examples of How God and Man Relate
The Bible gives us great doctrinal teaching in the New Testament letters, the great praises and prayers of Psalms, great prophecy in Revelation, and the great example of Jesus Himself to follow in the four gospels. So why do we need to study the books of Judges through Chronicles, where the examples are far short of perfect and doctrine plays a minor role? While we can learn truths about God, man, and how they relate in many parts of the Bible, our learning to be wise would not be complete without seeing "in action" cases of people's lives, told from God's perspective.
Not everybody always liked the book of Kings. The (heretical) Arian missionary Ufilas, when he translated the Bible for the Goths, omitted the books of Kings and Chronicles because the Goths were "already too war-like." While Ufilas might of thought he was doing God a favor, being his editor and censor, we will study God's unabridged word and let it show us by example what we need to see about holiness, man's depravity, wisdom, and God's heart.
I and II Kings is one book in Hebrew. It is a chronological book, starting just before Solomon's ascension in 971/970 A.D., and ending with the tragic captivity of Judah in 587 B.C. It mentions some of the most fascinating men of God, Solomon, Hezekiah, Josiah, Elijah, and Elisha.
At the start of Kings, the world population was around 137 million +/- 30%. Of that, 30% was in China, almost as many in India, and 20% in the Mideast. There were roughly 5 million in Egypt, and 2 1/2 million in Palestine. Roughly the same number of Israelites who invaded with Joshua. Around 600 B.C., the world population was around 182 million +/- 30%, an increase of 1/3. Most of the world increased by only 15%, but India increased by almost 80% as civilization increased and warfare lessened. The population of Egypt and Israel was still about the same, with population increases wiped out by war and disease. The land could hold only so many people, and without great improvements in technology, the population of the world held fairly steady.
What we hope to learn from the Book of Kings is a practical wisdom in following God and dealing with others, an increased desire to follow cling to God whole-heartedly, and a questioning of our attitudes and ways of doing things that we take for granted.
Estimated Chronology of Kings of Judah Estimated Chronology of Kings of Israel
931 |
Rehoboam son of Solomon & an Ammonite |
931 |
Jeroboam son of Nebat |
914 |
Abijah |
907 |
Nadab son of Jeroboam |
910 |
909 |
Baasha son of Ahijah (killed all J's family) |
872 |
887 |
Elah son of Baasha |
849 |
Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat |
886 |
Zimri (official, killed all Baasha's family) |
841 |
Ahaziah |
886 |
Tibni and Omri(killed Zimri) |
841 |
Queen Athaliah |
886 |
Omri (general, killed Tibni) |
835 |
JOASH/Joash |
874 |
Ahab son of Omri |
797 |
AMAZIAH (killed Joash's assassins) |
862 |
Ahaziah son of Ahab |
791 |
AZARIAH (UZZIAH)(leprous) |
860 |
Joram (Jehoram) son of Ahab |
750 |
841 |
JEHU (killed Ahaziah, and all Ahab's family) |
737 |
Ahaz |
~823 |
Jehoahaz/JEHOAHAZ |
728 |
~807 |
Jehoash |
697 |
Manasseh/MANASSEH |
793 |
Jeroboam II |
642 |
Amon |
763 |
Zechariah (not the prophet) |
640 |
JOSIAH (killed by Egyptians) |
763 |
Shallum (killed Zechariah) |
605 |
Johoahaz (taken to Egypt) |
763 |
Menahem |
605 |
Jehoiakim |
753 |
Pekahiah son of Menahem |
594 |
Jehoiachin (taken to Babylon) |
751 |
Pekah son of Remaliah |
594-587 |
Zedekiah (taken to Babylon) |
731-722 |
Hoshea (killed Pekah) |
1. Was Adonijah Chinese? (1 Kings 1-2)
A common western perception of Chinese is that they are "inscrutable", meaning their motives and meaning cannot be easily determined. We will look at the ambiguous behavior of this Israelite would-be king, and ask, when is it morally OK to be inscrutable, and when is it not?
1. Read 1 Kings 1. Since Adonijah was the oldest son, and he may not have been aware of the promise to Bathsheba, one might argue that Adonijah did what was proper. Why is this wrong?
2. What did David fail to do, that could have prevented this situation from happening?
3. Why do you think David failed to anticipate this problem? What are at least two reasons people do not anticipate problems like this today?
4. David could have simply acquiescing in the succession of his oldest son. However who actually promised that Solomon would be the next King? See 1 Chr 28:5-7, 29:1, and 1 Ki 1:17,24.
5. Adonijah used a stratagem. Nathan used a stratagem in 1 Ki 1:12-14? Do you think this was right? Did Nathan ever use a stratagem before? When is it OK to use stratagems? When not?
6. Why did Adonijah cling to the horns of the altar in 1 Ki 1:50-51? Should Solomon have let him live or not?
7. Read 1 Kings 2. Did Solomon show himself wise before his famous prayer to God?
8. In 1 Kings 2:13-25, assume Adonijah's motives were totally honorable. What did he want?
9. In 1 Kings 2:13-25, assume Adonijah's motives were deceptive. What did he want?
10. Was Solomon correct in thinking Adonijah's motives were dishonorable? Support your answer. (2 Sam 16:21-22 might possibly be relevant.)
11. David asked Solomon to execute some people in 1 Kin 2:5-9. Why was David right and/or wrong to ask this? Should Solomon have done this?
12. Do you think Adonijah's ambiguity was deliberate or not? When is it OK to be try to be deliberately ambiguous with others, God, ourselves? When is it not?
13. What are ways in which people are deliberately ambiguous today?
2. Solomon's Request to God (1 Kings 3-4, 2 Chr 1)
1. God gave Solomon a special gift of wisdom, a discerning heart, in 1 Kings 3:12. Did Solomon show any wisdom before this? (See 1 Ki 2:6) What application of this can we learn today?
2. In 1 Kings 3:3 what was wrong with sacrificing in the high places, since He was sacrificing to God? How do people do this sort of compromise today?
3. In 1 Kings 3:12 the words mean literally a "hearing heart." What does this mean? What are four distinct ways a wise Christian should have a "hearing heart" today?
4. Like many cases today, 1 Kings 3:16-28 was impossible to solve if you did not know and easy if you did know __________________.
5. In contrast to 1 Kings 2:22-23, what did Solomon do differently in 1 Kings 3 that caused the people to respond as they did in 1 Kings 3:28.
6. However, according to God's commands to Moses, how should Solomon have solved this?
7. What is the difference in the 1 Cor 12:7-10 between wisdom, knowledge, and discerning? Which two do you think Solomon had a lot of?
8. Question for everyone: if God spoke 2 Chr 1:7 to you, what would you ask for?
9. In our church today, what gifts do you think we most need more of?
10. Do you think you could be a part of the solution to what you answered in question 9 or not?
11. Are you satisfied with yourself right now? Read 1 John 5:15, James 1:5-7, and John 15:7. Take some time in prayer to ask God for what you want to have. Be wise in what you ask for though.
3. Solomon the Builder of Temples (1 Kings 5-11, 2 Chr 2-9)
1. Solomon's alliance to Egypt by marrying Pharaoh's daughter was very politically correct. What was one immediate advantage of it in 1 Kings 9:16? Building a palace for his wife seemed innocent enough in 1 Kings 7:8 and 9:24. Explain the logic of "compartmentalized thinking", as Solomon had in 2 Chr 8:11.
2. In the end, did Pharaoh fully support Solomon? Who did Pharaoh help in 1 Kings 11:14-23,40 and 2 Chr 10:2?
3. In 2 Chr 2:3-10 Solomon sent a letter to the pagan king Hiram of Tyre to help him build the temple. For a church expansion project, should we accept money from false religious groups if they offer it? For a church expansion project, can we buy material, at a fair market price, from non-Christians? What's the difference? Do you think Solomon's asking Hiram for help was like the first case or the second?
4. What is strange about 2 Chr 2:11 and 1 Ki 11:5? (Tyre and Sidon were very close.)
5. In what way do you think many Christians today have the same problem?
6. In 2 Chr 2:17, for the Temple Solomon used _____ carriers, _______ stonecutters, ______ foremen, _________ people to pray, and ________ people to teach holiness to the Lord.
7. Attempt to explain how these passages could all refer to the same person, Solomon the Temple builder. 1 Chr 28:9,10,20, 2 Chr 6:2, 8:11, 1 Ki 3:3, 8:23, 9:8-9, 11:4-6.
8. Explain God's feelings toward Solomon. 2 Sam 11:24-25, 1 Ki 3:10-13, 1 Ki 11:9-14.
9. In what way did the preceding verses show God's feelings change with time? In what way do 1 Ki 3:14, 9:4-9 show God's knowledge does not change with time?
10. There are different types of spiritual compromises. Explain each of these:
1 Ki 2:5 _______________________________________________________________________
1 Ki 3:1 and 2 Chr 8:11 __________________________________________________________
1 Ki 3:2-3, ____________________________________________________________________
1 Ki 3:16, _____________________________________________________________________
1 Ki 9:12-13 ___________________________________________________________________
1 Ki 10:26-29 & Dt 17:16 ________________________________________________________
1 Ki 11:1-2 & Dt 17:17 __________________________________________________________
2 Chr 2:13 ____________________________________________________________________
2Chr 9:23 (no mention of...) ______________________________________________________
1 Ki 9:8-9,25, 1 Ki 11:7-8 ________________________________________________________
11. What do you think of this statement: "Wisdom from God without full obedience is overrated."
4. Why the Great Division Among God's People? (1 Kings 11-14, 2 Chr 10-12)
1. Apparently Solomon's great wisdom did not extend to teaching Rehoboam his wisdom. We can look at what Rehoboam and the younger men decided in 1 Ki 12:1-15 and 2 Chr 10:1-15 and think how stupid it was. Why do you think Rehoboam thought this was the best course of action?
2. What are ways today that people make similar mistakes?
3. Once in talking with a local church person (and DTS graduate), he pointed out that much of the sin in the Old Testament came after the time of the division of Israel. He said that all the main reason behind the sin was the division. Actually, according to 1 Ki 11:11-13 who was the source of the division between the two Kingdoms?
4. Rehoboam, with his organized army, likely might have forcibly kept unity in the kingdom except for what Shemaiah said in 1 Ki 12:21-24 and 2 Chr 11:2-4. Who was it that kept the kingdom divided? Why?
5. God spoke through a prophet directly to both Jeroboam. What message did he give in 1 Ki 11:29-40? What was God's view of Jeroboam's rebellion? Whaty promise was given to him?
6. What was Jeroboam's rationale in choosing is own means of keeping his kingdom instead of obeying God in 1 Ki 12:25-33 and 2 Chr 11:13-17?
7. What else did Jeroboam in 1 Ki 14:1-20?
8. Just to make sure everybody knew, what message did God give Jeroboam in 1 Ki 13:1-13?
9. In 1 Ki 13:8-32, why would God kill that "almost completely obedient" prophet? What did God do to the older prophet?
10. How would you answer if someone said that was "unfair"?
11. What two messages did God give Rehoboam in 2 Chr 12:1-6 and 2 Chr 12:7-7-8?
12. What today is required before Christians can have complete unity and great success?
5. Needless Battles and Needless Pain (1 Kings 15-16, 2 Chr 16-18)
1. What was the political state of affairs in 1 Ki 14:30, 15:6,16 and 2 Chr 12:15, 13:2? If you were a soldier back then, which side would you want to fight on? What examples are there of senseless wars today we do not need to be fighting on either side?
2. Did Asa rely on God or himself in 2 Chr 14:8-15.
3. In general, what kind of king was Asa in 1 Ki 11-14? Do you think Asa did what was right in 1 Ki 15:16-22? Are there times when believers should make material and personal sacrifices in senseless wars?
3. Was Asa totally good in 2 Chr 16:10-11? In 1 Ki 15:23-24 and 2 Chr 16:12-14 Asa had a disease of his feet (arthritis? fungal? other?) Why do you think Asa failed to pray to God for healing? Why do we sometimes fail to ask God for what we know we need?
4. In 2 Chr 17 Asa's son Jehoshaphat was godly. Judah was not necessarily stronger in Jehoshaphat's time than earlier, but what happened in 2 Chr 17:10-11?
5. What was the immediate cause of 2 Chr 17:10-11? (See 2 Chr 17:9).
6. Why do you think Jehoshaphat allied himself with the evil king Ahab in 2 Chr 18:1,3.
7. Do you think Jehoshaphat became somewhat uncomfortable in 2 Chr 18:6-7?
8. Do you think the prophet of God was wrong to say what he said in 2 Chr 18:14?
9. Explain 2 Chr 18:18-22.
10. What should Jehosphaphat have done when Ahab made his decree in 2 Chr 18:25-27? What did Jehoshaphat actually do in 2 Chr 18:28-32?
11. Explain why it is that godly people sometimes try to use a stratagem to get around God's prophecies. What does God think of that in 2 Chr 19:1-3?
12. 1 Ki 16:34 is a somewhat parenthetical passage. What was the curse given in Joshua 6:26? What are at least two key reasons people go into situations cursed by God?
6. Elijah - Mighty Prophet of God (1 Kings 17-19)
Elijah has been called one of God's astronauts. Not only was his departure (not death) spectacular, but his life was equally spectacular. Before understanding Elijah, we must first understand the times of Elijah.
The nation of Israel was in theological, moral, and spiritual unfaithfulness towards God and Judah was in moral and spiritual faithlessness. When both the political leadership, majority of the people and spiritual leadership of the northern kingdom were opposed to God, God moved to bring the people back to Himself.
1. What consequences were there to other people because of Elijah's obedience in 1 Ki 17?
2. What kind of power did Elijah have in 1 Ki 17:1, 18:1 and James 5:17-18.
3. Why did Obadiah, a servant of Ahab and a follower of God, fear Elijah in 1 Ki 18:3-16? Why do we sometimes without real cause fear obedient servants of God?
4. Paraphrase what happened in 1 Kings 18:19-46. Why would Ahab be disposed to grant Elijah's request for a showdown with the prophets of Baal?
5. After this great victory for God, why did Elijah lose his courage in 1 Ki 19:1-10?
6. What six things did God do to restore Elijah after he was burned out in 1 Ki 19:5-21.
7. When you feed burned out, what do you need?
7. Ahab - When Sinners Take Warning (1 Kings 20-22)
1. What happened in 1 Kings 20? Why did God help Ahab, an ungodly king? (1 Kings 20:28 may give a hint.)
2. Many obedient believers would like a prophet to tell them a direct message from God and have not heard one. Why did Ahab get to hear a direct message from God in 1 Kings 20:13-15?
3. 1 Kings 20:22 sounds similar to what the Puritan general Oliver Cromwell once said, "Trust in God and keep your [gun]powder dry." In what sense is that true? In what sense is that false?
4. Summarize the incident of Naboth's vineyard in 1 Kings 21.
5. What do you think the phrase means, "you have sold yourself to do evil in the eyes of the LORD" in 1 Kings 21:20?
6. Read 1 Kings 21:24-28. Why would Ahab believe now, when he had just called Elijah his enemy in 1 Kings 21:20?
7. Try to explain the mind of King Ahab.
8. When do we take a warning seriously? When do we not? What criteria do people often use in taking a warning seriously?
9. What criteria should we use in taking a warning seriously?
10. We already looked at Jeroboam allying himself with Ahab. In 1 Kings 22:6-7 Jeroboam did not take a prophecy seriously. Why not? Do you think Jeroboam took Micaiah's prophecy seriously in 1 Kings 22:17 and 29? Why or why not?
8. Passing the Torch to Elisha (2 Kings 1-3)
Many times churches, organizations, and nations have a crisis of leadership. Here is one case we can look at where leadership was smoothly passed, though not in a way that is exactly typical. Elisha was first called in 1 Kings 20:19-21. Today we will look at the end of Elijah's life on earth, and the things we can apply today.
1. Read James 5:17-18. Before Elijah prayed for drought for three and a half years, in what ways was that already God's will? In what way was it not God's ideal will?
2. After the miracles of drought and rain performed through Elijah, why do you think Ahaziah would still not believe Elijah and want to arrest him in 2 Kings 1:1-9?
3. What happened in 2 Kings 1:9-15? Why did those 100 men die?
4. What was missing in King Ahaziah and the two captains that the third captain had? What do you think your ministry will be like if you lack this also?
5. In 2 Kings 2:1-3 what prior knowledge did Elisha apparently have?
6. What is the significance of Elisha's request in 2 Kings 2:9-10? Why do you think it was conditional that Elisha would receive it?
7. If a skeptic claimed God was cruel by having a bear maul 42 youths in 2 Kings 2:23-25, what would you say?
8. What was so unpredictable about Israel's and Judah's victory in 2 Kings 3? In your opinion, under what circumstances would God help the ungodly? Under what circumstances would he not.
9. If you are in a position of passing the torch to others, what should you look for, and what can you do to better help people? What should you not do?
10. If you are in a position of having the torch being passed to you, what should you look for, what should you do? What should you not do?
9. God's Message Through Elisha (2 Kings 4-8)
Today we will look at the widow's oil, the widow's son, Naaman, the axe, protection from ambushes, capturing Syrians, the terrible seige. To cover this broad range of subjects, we will split up into groups to answer the next eight questions.
1. What was the message God communicated with the widow's oil?
2. What was the message of the resurrection of the widow's son?
3. What was the message of Naaman?
4. Why did Gehazi get leprosy?
5. What is the message we can learn from the axe?
6. What is the message we can learn from the ambushes?
7. What was the message of capturing the Syrians?
8. What was the message of the terrible seige?
9. Did Elisha lie in 2 Kings 6:19-20 or not?
10. Why do you speculate something different to be done in 2 Kings 6:21-23 vs. 1 Ki 20:34-43?
11. For all of the episodes of Elisha, what do you think is the overall reason Elisha was on earth at that time.
10. Jehu, Jeroboam II and Uzziah (2 Kings 9-15, 2 Chr 26, Is 6:1)
Notes: Jehu the Seer in 2 Chr 19:2 and 20:34 is different from Jehu the King. Uzziah is the same person as Azariah.
1. Exactly how was Jehu anointed in 1 Ki 19:16 and 2 Ki 9:2-14?
2. What did Jehu do in 2 Ki 9:15-10:36 and 2 Chr 22:7-17?
3. Explain God's view of Jehu in 2 Ki 10:30 vs. Hos 1:4. What exactly do you think was wrong with the "massacre at Jezreel?" Does 2 Ki 14:6 have anything to do with it?
4. Summarize Athaliah, Jehoida, and Joash 2 Chr 23-24
5. 2 Ki 14:23-29 What did Jeroboam do? Why do you think God allowed this to happen?
6. What seems unfair about 2 Kings 15:1-7? How is that similar to situations today where God appears unfair?
7. What is the rest of the story in 2 Chr 26?
8. Why do you think it might be significant that Isaiah received what was perhaps his greatest vision in Is 6:1 the year Uzziah died?
11. Hezekiah, Manasseh, and Josiah (2 Kings 17-25, 2 Chr 29-36)
1. What did Hezekiah and the priests do incorrectly in 2 Chr 30:2-3? Did God seem to mind or not?
2. How did God's people respond to Hezekiah's request in 2 Chr 30:10-12? How do God's people respond to a summons together today?
3. Nehushtan in 21 Ki 18:4 was the bronze snake Moses had made in the wilderness? Hezekiah burned what Moses had made. Was that right and why or why not?
4. Serving Assyria meant serving their gods. The kings were required to come and actually bow to the Assyrian gods. If you were Hezekiah, would you have rebelled as he did in 2 Ki 19:5-7?
5. What happened in 2 Ki 18:13-19:37 and 2 Chr 32:1-22? Also refer to Isaiah 36 and 37.
6. Do you think Hezekiah was right to pray in 2 Ki 20:1-20 and 2 Chr 32:24-26? Also refer to Isaiah 38.
7. When was Manasseh born based on 2 Chr 33:1? What can we say about most of his life in 2 Chr 32:2,6,9.
8. What do you think 2 Chr 32:31 and 2 Ki 20:12-21 mean? Also refer to Isaiah 39.
9. What finally happened to Manasseh in 2 Chr 33:11-20? What lesson can you draw from this?
10. In 2 Chr 34:3 do you think Josiah should have waited eight years before tearing down the idols or not? Should we ever wait to do good things or not?
11. According to the hint in 2 Ki 22:8 and 2 Chr 34:15, what was the spiritual state at that time?
12. How do 2 Ki 23:17-18 and 1 Ki 13:2-5 relate?
13. How come God was still angry in 2 Ki 23:26 when Manasseh repented in 2 Chr 33:11-20?
14. What did Josiah do in 2 Chr 35:18? What bearing did this have to do with 2 Chr 34:27?
15. What Josiah did in 2 Ki 23:29-30 and 2 Chr 35:20-27 was a great tragedy for Judah. Why do you think Josiah did this stupid thing?
16. In what ways can we do similar stupid things today?
Wars During Kings and Chronicles
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by Steven M. Morrison, PhD.